
Welcome to onebluesphere

Hello everyone! This very first post of onebluesphere is meant to welcome everyone to my little world of information sharing and awareness growth in the field of environment preservation, sustainable development and green technology. Everybody has come across lots and lots of articles on environmental issues in the newspapers or e-journals and therefore may be thinking, “Oh not another one of those eco-freaks!” The simple truth is that the earth is not exactly in the pink of health, and shoving the problems under the carpet of our collective ignorance or indifference is not going to help. So no amount of  awareness  or concern about the environment is too much. We do have plans for long term habitation of this one blue sphere of ours, so we better sit up, open our eyes and do something to make sure it’s a planet we can continue to inhabit.

When it comes to environmental or ecological issues, the most common attitude is, “It’s not my problem.” It’s high time we realised that it’s EVERYONE’S PROBLEM. We all live on this earth, so the malaise which affects the earth’s environment affects us all, in one way or another. We just do not realise it most of the time. Worse still, even if we realise it, we generally cannot muster the strength and resolve to do the little bit that we as individuals can do to save the planet. This little chunk of web-space is my attempt at poking the readers’ consciousness on matters concerning the earth’s environment, the banes of unrestrained human activity, the frontiers of sustainable development and the eco-friendly avenues being shown by science and technology.

Before anything else, I would request the reader to make space in his or her mind for this simple thought: “I have just one blue sphere to live on.” I like to call it ‘the engine thought’ of this blog – the thought that drives it ahead and carries the messages of this blog to your mind, which is where it really matters. So whenever you return to onebluesphere (and I sincerely hope you will), I want you to say in your head, “I have just one blue sphere to live on”.

Now that we are connected by this common strain of thought, we can begin. Happy reading, and after that, happy thinking.

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